2021 UMAC Certificates Presented to Club Athletes
/Frances Steinfeld receives her UMAC certificate.
In 2022, Ultra Throw launched UMAC (Ultra Masters All Canadian) Throws Standards. These certificates are awarded to athletes across Canada.
During our recent AGM and Club Championships at McLeod Athletic Park on Sept. 25, our club members that met or beat the standards in 2021 received the inaugural certificates. They were presented by our new president, Harnek Toor.
Unable to make the presentations were Betsy Rollins and Dan Parsons.
To see if you have qualified, go to ultrathrow.com/umac
About UMAC: Each year on February 1st, our club will search the previous year’s results of all Canadian throwers from age 30 and up and then post the list of those throwers that meet these standards on our website (ultrathrow.com). We have already compiled the list of 2021 Canadian throwers who have achieved these high standards of excellence.
Mohan Bains receives his UMAC certificate
Saroop Tatla receives his UMAC certificate.
Harnek Toor holds his own UMAC certificate for achievements in 2021.